Sunday, August 28, 2011

500th visit to the Zoo

Not really, but it feels like it.  We live a stone's throw from the Zoo, and go all the time.  Like really ALL THE TIME.  I love it there, Jude loves it there, and it's an easy activity for us all.

On our 500th visit to the Zoo, Jude moved the world.
Rode the carousel - imagine that.

Stared at his favorite animal - the giraffe.

Looked at some "du's" aka ducks.
Drove a pretend bus.

Went to the petting zoo - where we didn't pet one animal, but instead washed our hands for ten minutes.
And played at the Splash Park - this doesn't capture the activity too well, but I promise we were there...Jude just decided that the only picture I could get of him at the Splash Park would be him doing a head stand on boy :)
And that's a wrap!  I am caught up, officially, for the first time since I started this blog.  I need a drink!

1 comment:

  1. Gosh he is so big! I know it is hard to keep these blogs up but it's so worth it and I love reading all about Jude. There was a picture a few posts ago with him standing on the stairs showing all his teeth and I thought his neck and what I could see of his chest and shoulders looked so skinny just like yours. It's so not fair I wish I had those features.
