Aunt Sue Sue was in town, and spent that whole day with us, so luckily I had Lonnie, Susan and Brother John (Susan's brother) to help. Yep, it took four adults. Jude on his own that day took three adults. There must have been something in the water, but he was INSANE. Insane I tell you! I've never seen him that amped up. He was throwing tantrums at the littlest things, torturing the dogs, running in circles, dancing and jumping around from 2:30pm. to 10:00pm. I know Susan was wondering what happened to the Sweet Jude that she saw last time she was in town, but I kept trying to tell her that this behavior was not normal for him. It made watching Baby Waller extremely difficult, but like I mentioned, I had quite a few extra hands.
We really did have a great time, and Baby Waller is such a good boy. But, he's a boy that has to be held at all times. At least he was that way at our house. I tried the baby Bjorn - nope, the infant seat - nope, my arms for 4 hours - yes! It was very hectic trying to feed Jude, clean up after Jude, feed Waller, change diapers, do bathtime, and night routine with Jude. I definitely learned there is no way I could have a 2 month old and 19 month old.
But, I did capture some sweet pics of Jude with his cousin. He really loves him and we talk about him all the time. I'll talk to him about Baby Waller and Jude will say "babay" and smile. He knows how to be gentle, and even tried offering Waller his sippy cup of milk. I'm so happy to see my rambunctious baby boy starting to share and be thoughtful :)
Jude loved holding Waller - but didn't have much patience. We'd put Waller in his lap, and he'd smile real big for 10 seconds, and then be done and try to push him away. Lonnie would pick Waller up, and then Jude would want him back right away. Silly kid, make up your mind.
Lonnie with his nephew -- he's so good with babies now :) I remember when he was afraid to hold one.
Is this not hilarious -- he looks like Elvis with that snarled lip.
Doesn't he look so old already...quit growing!
I'm looking forward to watching this little guy grow and babysitting him again!
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