Sunday, October 30, 2011

That's my boy

Here's what's been keeping Jude busy this week:

Naked Stroller Climbing.  Lonnie recently brought inside one of Jude's umbrella strollers, and not only does Jude love being pushed around in it in the living room, but he also loves climbing on it.  After bath one night, Jude started climbing up and down his stroller.  He'd pull himself into it, sit down, get out, and he did this over and over again.  What's so interesting about that?

Climbing in.
Getting out to do it all over again.
Bath Water Drinking.  Jude has been loving getting his nightime drinking courtesy of the bath water and faucet.  He scoops up cups of water and drinks it up, then proceeds to drink straight from the faucet.  He loves this.
Going for it.
Oh yea!
Playing Daddy to His Babies.  This was the first time I got Jude caring for one of his babies on camera.  The last few months he's been very affectionate to all his loveys, but recently he started taking care of them.  Jude had a runny nose this week, so we've been wiping it a lot.  I caught Jude doing the same thing for his Bear friend and Thomas.  

How sweet.
Climbing All Over Everything.  He loves climbing on the toilet to reach his tootoo, the kitchen chairs so he can turn off the lights while I'm cooking, his stroller (see above), the desk in our office, and the entertainment center.  I had to get these pics since he was really into trying to pull his pants down this night - hence the butt cheeks pouring out.

Eating Ice Cream Sandwiches.  Lonnie has a major junk food tooth, so we always have what I call "3-year old food" laying around the house.  Lonnie decided Jude was old enough to eat and handle one of those foods -- an ice cream sandwich.  Here's the hot mess it caused.

With the instigator.
Getting messy.
On the belly.
And speaking of hot messes - this is how Jude's been eating his yogurt lately.

Starting out right.
Who needs a spoon?
Finishing it off.
There's the week in a nutshell - my new job is keeping me busy, so this will have to suffice.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Mommy's Home!

At least for a few days.  I recently acquired a new marketing position at Norton (yay!) and between my old job at BCH and my new one, I'm having Wednesday-Sunday off....which means I get to be a stay-at-home mom for a few days.  Unfortunately, the weather's been miserable and we've been having to be creative with what to do indoors to not get stir crazy.  On Wednesday, we were supposed to go to Huber's with Mimi and Kitty, but that wasn't in the cards.  Instead, we went to Target (thrilling for me during work hours...Jude not so much) and Krispy Kreme.  We had a coupon for a free donut, and I thought it might be interesting for Jude to see how these yummy sugary creations are made.

Not too sure about that thing.
Hmmm...getting curious.
He ate half of his first KK donut.  I had no problem eating mine.  He enjoyed looking at the conveyor belt of donuts go through their process from lump of yeast to delicious donut.  And then this silly boy did what he does best, run around and be cute.
On Thursday it was a nasty. rainy day again.  So, we checked out his daycare that he's going to go to on Friday's.  I loved the place, but Jude was very clingy and hesitant.  Hopefully he'll get used to it soon enough.  We ran around Oxmoor Mall, where he was very fascinated with the "shoooo" aka shoes in Von Maur, the escalator, the fountain, and a train set "choo choo" (sounds more like tootoo) in Pottery Barn Kids that he enjoyed destroying.  And then today, the sun came out!  We went to the Zoo and stretched our legs.  Now on to the weekend.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Sunday Fun Day

Last Sunday was gorgeous, and we decided to do brunch and go to the park downtown.  We went to our favorite brunch spot, Toast (yummo!!!!), and passed the time riding piggyback on Daddy while we waited for our table.
After brunch, we went to the park downtown, and Jude loves this place!  They have four playgrounds, a splash park, and lots of kids to look at (one of his favorite pastimes).  We enjoyed the last bit of warm weather Louisville had to offer.  
And he's off!
He ran right up to the splash park and said "wawa?"  Sorry honey, no more "wawa" until next Summer :(
Monkey see
Monkey do
On the run.  I really need to get him running on video.  he flaps his arms so hard, like a bird.  I guess it keeps him balanced??
He climbed all the way up this hill to get to his Dada.
 And all the way down.
Love this park!
He tries everything.  No fear in this kid.
Gorgeous Sunday Fun Day

Babysitting Baby Waller

So, I mentioned sometime ago that I was going to babysit baby Waller.  I also mentioned a bit ago that Jude got really sick with "food poisoning."  Um yea, that wasn't food poisoning - it was a stomach virus that both Lonnie and I got the early morning hours of the day I was supposed to watch Waller.  It kicked our butt, we sent Jude off for the weekend, and Lonnie and I moped around the house doubled over in stomach pain and sleeping and doing other things that are rather disgusting.  So, we didn't get to watch Waller.  However, we made up for it this past weekend, and while it kicked my butt in a different way, we still had a blast.

Aunt Sue Sue was in town, and spent that whole day with us, so luckily I had Lonnie, Susan and Brother John (Susan's brother) to help.  Yep, it took four adults.  Jude on his own that day took three adults.  There must have been something in the water, but he was INSANE.  Insane I tell you!  I've never seen him that amped up.  He was throwing tantrums at the littlest things, torturing the dogs, running in circles, dancing and jumping around from 2:30pm. to 10:00pm.  I know Susan was wondering what happened to the Sweet Jude that she saw last time she was in town, but I kept trying to tell her that this behavior was not normal for him.  It made watching Baby Waller extremely difficult, but like I mentioned, I had quite a few extra hands.

We really did have a great time, and Baby Waller is such a good boy.  But, he's a boy that has to be held at all times.  At least he was that way at our house.  I tried the baby Bjorn - nope, the infant seat - nope, my arms for 4 hours - yes!  It was very hectic trying to feed Jude, clean up after Jude, feed Waller, change diapers, do bathtime, and night routine with Jude.  I definitely learned there is no way I could have a 2 month old and 19 month old.

But, I did capture some sweet pics of Jude with his cousin.  He really loves him and we talk about him all the time.  I'll talk to him about Baby Waller and Jude will say "babay" and smile.  He knows how to be gentle, and even tried offering Waller his sippy cup of milk.  I'm so happy to see my rambunctious baby boy starting to share and be thoughtful :)

Jude loved holding Waller - but didn't have much patience.  We'd put Waller in his lap, and he'd smile real big for 10 seconds, and then be done and try to push him away.  Lonnie would pick Waller up, and then Jude would want him back right away.  Silly kid, make up your mind.
Lonnie with his nephew -- he's so good with babies now :) I remember when he was afraid to hold one.
Is this not hilarious -- he looks like Elvis with that snarled lip.
Doesn't he look so old already...quit growing!
I'm looking forward to watching this little guy grow and babysitting him again!

First Movie

Not really a whole movie, but a 30 minute film at the Imax about animals that they were showing at the Science Center.  K Pa took Jude and I there for a morning of fun.  Jude actually sat on my lap and paid attention for the first 20 minutes -- I was impressed.  Then the last ten minutes, he ran around the very back of the theater, but a success nonetheless.

Waiting for the film to begin.
Playing in the kids' zone after the movie.
I think it will be some time before we go to a feature film (and I can't wait to use Jude as an excuse to see every kid's movie!), but at least we know he can make it through a short one and remain somewhat behaved.  Thanks K Pa (or Pa Pa as Jude says) for a fun morning.

My Little Giraffe

It's probably very obvious from the millions of Zoo posts, that Jude loves the Zoo.  His favorite animal though, is the giraffe, and for Halloween this year, that's what he is.  We went to the Zoo for the World's Largest Halloween Party with Mimi and Daddy, and had a ball!  The weather was perfect, Jude got the concept of the whole trick or treat and getting candy, and he burned some major energy running around in their hay maze. 

Me and my little giraffe before walking over to the Zoo.
Side view of his whole outfit.
Of course.
Checking out the real giraffes.

King of the Zoo.
Trick or treat!
With his first princess - flirts.
His new favorite thing is riding on Dada's back.  Lonnie will say, "Want to ride on Dada's back?"  And Jude walks right over to him and hops on.  Clearly he loves it.
Yea, this is a strange pic...a giraffe and a Mommy in Alice's Wonderland.  Lonnie thought I was about to break the seat since obviously this chair is for a toddler.  Whoops, I didn't though.
My mom and I made Jude get a pic in the yellow submarine...not the best pic, but a must for us Beatles fans.
We had such a good time, and I didn't even capture any pictures or video of the hay maze.  Jude was running around laughing and acting like a lunatic in this maze.  We had such a good time, and can't wait to go next year with baby Waller!