Sunday, October 30, 2011

That's my boy

Here's what's been keeping Jude busy this week:

Naked Stroller Climbing.  Lonnie recently brought inside one of Jude's umbrella strollers, and not only does Jude love being pushed around in it in the living room, but he also loves climbing on it.  After bath one night, Jude started climbing up and down his stroller.  He'd pull himself into it, sit down, get out, and he did this over and over again.  What's so interesting about that?

Climbing in.
Getting out to do it all over again.
Bath Water Drinking.  Jude has been loving getting his nightime drinking courtesy of the bath water and faucet.  He scoops up cups of water and drinks it up, then proceeds to drink straight from the faucet.  He loves this.
Going for it.
Oh yea!
Playing Daddy to His Babies.  This was the first time I got Jude caring for one of his babies on camera.  The last few months he's been very affectionate to all his loveys, but recently he started taking care of them.  Jude had a runny nose this week, so we've been wiping it a lot.  I caught Jude doing the same thing for his Bear friend and Thomas.  

How sweet.
Climbing All Over Everything.  He loves climbing on the toilet to reach his tootoo, the kitchen chairs so he can turn off the lights while I'm cooking, his stroller (see above), the desk in our office, and the entertainment center.  I had to get these pics since he was really into trying to pull his pants down this night - hence the butt cheeks pouring out.

Eating Ice Cream Sandwiches.  Lonnie has a major junk food tooth, so we always have what I call "3-year old food" laying around the house.  Lonnie decided Jude was old enough to eat and handle one of those foods -- an ice cream sandwich.  Here's the hot mess it caused.

With the instigator.
Getting messy.
On the belly.
And speaking of hot messes - this is how Jude's been eating his yogurt lately.

Starting out right.
Who needs a spoon?
Finishing it off.
There's the week in a nutshell - my new job is keeping me busy, so this will have to suffice.

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