Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Still here

We've been crazy busy around here.  Between the new job, a quick trip to Chicago, Thanksgiving, 2 trips to the ER, and getting ready for Christmas...posting on the blog hasn't been much of a priority.  Since I really won't dedicate a full posting to the ER visits, I'll give a quick update on those. 

The Monday before we headed out of town for Chicago, Jude rolled off the bed at my parents' house, did a little crying, and then refused to move his right arm, or have anyone touch it for an hour.  We were convinced it was broken.  After a visit to the Immediate Care Center was a bust (he wouldn't hold still enough to get an X-ray), we headed to Kosair to get the experts in kiddy X-rays to see what was wrong.  It was insanely busy at Kosair, and we had a tired, thirsty, and hungry toddler on our hands.  We were told at the Immediate Care Center to not let him eat or drink since he may have to be sedated to get an X-ray, or if it was broken, a potential surgery, and that they needed an empty stomach for all of that. He had barely eaten any breakfast, didn't get his nap, and then, he had to be tortured (truly it was torture for all of us involved) and have his arm touched to get what seemed like 30 X-rays.  We had to do it 3 different times (luckily no sedation was required), with 2/3 adults holding him down.  It was BAD!  At one point I started tearing up because it was so stressful, he was in a lot of pain, and I just wanted it over for everyone!

Finally, at 6/7 p.m. at night, we saw the resident, who proclaimed that there were no broken bones (yes, hallelujah!).  But, clearly something was wrong.  If you touched his shoulder, arm, elbow, hand, fingers...he wailed in pain.  It was so sad to see.  Finally, the attending physician came in, ran his hands down both of Jude's arms, and proclaimed, "he's fixed."  Huh?  He had apparently popped one of Jude's ligaments that was out of place back in when he ran his hands down his arms, and he was cured...just like that.  He had Nursemaid Elbow and just needed his ligament popped back in to place.  Not even, 3 minutes later, Jude was running around and flapping his arms like his old self.  It was like a miracle!  We got this boy some food and water, and he was happy as could be, running around the ER and talking to everyone.  The doctor said it will happen again, and now that we know, we can at least have some piece of mind that it can be easily fixed.

Here's the babe after he was cured.
Our next visit...was the weekend after Chicago.  Jude's been going to daycare one day a week, and the Friday before our trip when we picked him up, there was a notification that a 2 yr old had pink eye, and to be on the lookout for symptoms in your child.  Well, a week later, Jude got it.  It started with the goopy eyes, and turned into a fever that lasted all weekend.  K Pa took Jude to the pediatrician to get some medication, and while there, Jude vomited, and we learned that he had a 102 degree temp.  Not terrible for a toddler, but a fever nonetheless.  We started the eye drops and tylenol -- all which was a blast giving to a 21 month old!  Jude and I stayed that night at my parents while Lonnie took over our house doing some music stuff. I let Jude sleep with me because I knew he wasn't feeling well, and while he was sleeping, he started shaking, and his clothes were damp with sweat.  I started freaking out..and got my parents to take us to the ER.  He shook the whole way there, but even though he was groggy (it was 12:30 a.m.) he still smiled some and seemed like he was ok.  When we were seen by the physician, he had a 104.7 degree temp. We stripped him down, gave him some apple juice, and watched cartoons.  His fever quickly came down, I learned that shaking is normal when a fever is high (just like adults - duh), and we went home alternating tylenol and IB profen for the next 2 days until his fever was gone.  I too got sick, with a fever that turned into the worst, most painful cold/cough I've ever had.  So, for a good week after Chicago, Jude and I were a mess. 

We're all healthy now...at least until Jude gets the next disease at his daycare and takes us all down with him. 

I'll have some posts coming up with Chicago and Thanksgiving.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


We continued the tradition of heading over to St. Matthew's for Halloween night.  Raegan's parents' live in a neighborhood where they have a Halloween parade, costume contest, and tons of kiddos that trick-or-treat.

My lion last year at Rae's.
Giraffe this year.
Can I just say I LOVE that Lonnie dressed up as Buddy the Elf.  Next year, we're going to all dress up.
 Blurry, but, walking in the parade with Rae.
Hanging out during the costume contest.  Jude won!  Not sure what place really, but he got $20!
Then it was on to trick or treating.  This was a challenge.  Jude understood that he would go up to the doorstep, hold out his bag, and get candy.  What he didn't get, is that he was supposed to keep it...he kept trying to give it back.  He also had a hard time understanding that we were moving from house to house, and he would dilly daddle at each home taking his time.  

Giving his candy back to Rae's mom.
We did the remainder of our trick or treating courtesy of Daddy's back.
 We had a wonderful evening, and I'm looking forward ot next year, when Jude might actually understand the entire concept.


Uh, I'm not very creative.  I honestly wish I was, and that I could be the mom that loved making scrapbooks, doing fun arts and crafts activities at home, making cute things (bib, blanket, anything), but if you know me, you know that's not me.  So, pumpkin carving is something, I think, that falls underneath that "creative" category.  Last year, we did an awesome pumpkin....
Really, how cool is that (it was the "master" level of the pumpkin carving kit)?  I was pretty impressed with our pumpkin last year, but even then, it wasn't creative.  We just picked out some kit at Walgreens and got ambitious with the level.  Anyway, this year, I didn't have the energy to do a "master" level pumpkin...instead, I did the easy, basic, any 5-year old could do level.  But, I did get a little "creative" thinking I'd carve a pumpkin with 'Jude' on it...good, right?   

Here's the first level pumpkin I did.  Jude thought this was pretty cool.
And he loved putting his cheetos through the holes.
When working on the "Jude" pumpkin, I completely didn't realize that my "D" wasn't going to work.  Lonnie actually said during the process "what are you going to do with your d?"  I was wondering what he was talking about.  And I found out.  My "d" looked more like an "o."  So, my feeble attempt at taking a stab at being creative failed again.  Can I just buy the pumpkins already carved out and ready to display next year?

Our two pumpkins -- sorry Jude, Mommy tried.
I don't think he cared one bit.
My two boys.

1st Cards Game

We took Jude to his first Cards football game last weekend, and he did a fabulous job.  At first, he was a little scared of all the noise and excitement, so much so, that when the Cards scored their first touchdown, Jude started crying because all the yelling and fireworks were a bit too much.  He quickly learned that those were good yells, and we were all happy.  He did great, sitting in my lap, clapping, whenever everyone else would, and he actually somewhat paid attention to the game.  We left at halftime due to naptime, but we had a fun, memorable, first Cards game experience.  Can't wait to do this next year!