Saturday, November 5, 2011


We continued the tradition of heading over to St. Matthew's for Halloween night.  Raegan's parents' live in a neighborhood where they have a Halloween parade, costume contest, and tons of kiddos that trick-or-treat.

My lion last year at Rae's.
Giraffe this year.
Can I just say I LOVE that Lonnie dressed up as Buddy the Elf.  Next year, we're going to all dress up.
 Blurry, but, walking in the parade with Rae.
Hanging out during the costume contest.  Jude won!  Not sure what place really, but he got $20!
Then it was on to trick or treating.  This was a challenge.  Jude understood that he would go up to the doorstep, hold out his bag, and get candy.  What he didn't get, is that he was supposed to keep it...he kept trying to give it back.  He also had a hard time understanding that we were moving from house to house, and he would dilly daddle at each home taking his time.  

Giving his candy back to Rae's mom.
We did the remainder of our trick or treating courtesy of Daddy's back.
 We had a wonderful evening, and I'm looking forward ot next year, when Jude might actually understand the entire concept.

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