Saturday, June 30, 2012

The greatest show on Earth

Maybe we need to hit up Barnum and Bailey, but the circus wasn't as cool as I remembered.  We went to the Kosair Shriner's circus, and it was neat enough.  We only lasted about an hour and a half, and I heard it went on for 3+ hours, who has time for that?!  Right when we walked in, there were camel rides and elephant rides.  Definitely not something I am comfortable Jude doing just yet.  But we watched others ride for awhile and headed our seats.

Before the show started.
Anxiously awaiting the start.
And that's about all the pics I have apparently.  Some post, huh?  I remember there was a really cute dog show, but it was too far away for Jude to really see.  A man who had 8 tigers (crazy...those tigers seemed pissed if you ask me).  Some crazy (like teletubee crazy), weird creatures that hung on the long ropes.  And a pretty lady on a pretty horse.  Maybe next year we'll all find it a little more thrilling!

How he wears his hat to this day

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